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Updates for the Duct Tape Merit Badge
This part of te web site is devoted to bringing you the latest news on the progress of the duct tape merit badge. Check back often.

Unfortunately, National has turned down the duct tape merit badge proposal. A motion to debate it was made, but it was turned down. :o( I'll keep the site up, in hope that people will still send letters. Thank you everyone for your support!
Thank you to everyone who has sent in a leter of support! As a result of the support, National has let me know that the National Advancement Committee will review the proposed badge in October. However, we still need more letters to support the Duct Tape merit badge! Keep them "rolling" in!
I have been gaining the support of troops all across America. I am e-mailing every troop (as long as they have a valid e-mail address).

I also set up a program where troops can show ther support by placing a banner on their website. Details are available in the "Webmaster" setion of this site.
I recently contacted Jim and Tim )The Duct Tape Guys) and asked for their help in promoting the Duct Tape Merit Badge. They replied to me telling me that they are going to help. They will make mention of it in their upcoming newsletter, and they even ceated a special page on their website for the duct tape merit badge. Visit www.octanecreative.com/ducttape/meritbadge/ to see the site they created. Thanks Jim and Tim!

On another note; The Boy Scouts of America turned down the creation of the Duct Tape Merit Badge. This was before I re-wrote the requirements and posted them on this site. Soon I am going to submit a copy of the revised requirements to see if they will approve that. Keep those letters of support pouring in!
